How to keep your work going while going through anxiety at your workplace

It is good to be neurotic in healthy amounts. It has always kept us safe and helped us in strategising for unfortunate outcomes. But too much of it always activates our brain to get into flight or fight mode. While you cannot physically fight work stress, you need to strengthen your mind to punch anxiety to the core. Worrying about something is good till the time it helps you to think about possible solutions and springs you to action. Endless worrying loops you into anxiety and in many cases, anxiety becomes chronic. And that can only spiral down to mania. We also know that there are times where you would want to scream and run away from a scene and wouldn’t care if anyone bothers or not. Anxiety leads us to reckless behaviour even if that anxiety was supposed to keep us away from it. So yes, it is not healthy. Be a warrior, not a worrier. 

Anxiety stems from sending your brain on autopilot and let it run on steroids, screening bad possible instances and outcomes that can happen. And this activates the brain to react and it pumps adrenaline to your system to either fight it or run away from it. How do you run away from your imagination? This is where mental strength comes into play. Do not let your potential go to waste due to anxiety. Take charge now. IMBT has the best anxiety therapist in London who can help you with this issue. Here are the things you can do to work through your anxiety at your workplace: 

1.Plan ahead without running your mind on auto-pilot

If you notice, anxiety just whispers from behind and slowly poisons your thoughts. But when you consciously think about what you have to fear about, you come with clear and logical reasoning. It is not the easiest thing to do for people who are habitual to anxiety, but you have to break this habit by being conscious of what you are afraid of and why. When you give your mind this puzzle consciously, it sorts everything. That is what our mind is designed to do.

2.Make a list of what are the things that can stop you from being your best NOW
The best day to do any work is today. The best time to do it is now. But it is also true that distractions lurk everywhere. We cannot always predict unforeseen things but we are also wary of our regular distractions. It could be talking to a co-worker for long hours, spending time on social media etc. The first thing you faithfully need to do is understand where you are spending most of your time. If anxiety strikes because of delayed work then you need to consciously think where your time is getting wasted.

3.Eliminate, add, respond
Eliminate unproductive task. Add better activities, which will help your career and work. And respond to immediate things now rather than procrastinating. These are the things that if you conquer, then you can conquer a big part of your life that is not thrown into uncertainty.

4.When things get out of hand, seek help
Anxiety comes in various degrees. Some get shaken by minor jolts. And some stand firm in screaming calamities. Not everyone is made of the same kind of emotional fibre. But the best part is that we can always rewire it. If anxiety seems to shake you and break you to the core, it is perfectly okay to seek help from a professional. IMBT has the best anxiety therapist in London who will work through your anxiety bit by bit.

5.Anxiety doesn’t always have to originate from work
If you are feeling a streak of anxiety, then it doesn’t necessarily have to arise from the abundance of workload. It could be that you have been poor at managing time and that fact hasn’t come to the surface for you to notice. If you can look deep within, you will be able to identify and rectify on how your approach to work has always been. Have you always been in a hurry? Have you always done your work at the last hour? Be honest with yourself if YOU are the problem, not the workload.

6.Talk to your employer
Anxiety always becomes a habit, which leads thousands of people unproductive and frustrated. For any productive work, you need to focus on the goal and the mode of work. Any kind of anxiety will overwhelm you about possible and imagined dangers. Talk to your employer about this and they will help you find a better way out of it. 

7.Work it out, work it now
Seize the day by doing the work today. Silence your inner demons and command your brain that you just have to focus on this task for 20 minutes whatever be the consequence. This will allow your brain to complete it hence breaking the cycle. Go for a vacation if you feel fatigued but do not feel anxious while doing a job. Practise meditation and positive reinforcement habits along with some action.
When you feel that problems are rooting deeper than you can reach, always seek help from a professional. They will help you to focus on what works for you and what not. They will also help you identify toxic habits and people who are keeping you off from productivity. IMBT has the best anxiety therapist in London who will help you get through and out of it. Visit our website to know more about them. Schedule an appointment for starting a good mental hygiene for your life. Take proactive decisions now.


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