All about family therapy and its benefits

A family is where our roots are, a family is from where it all starts! 

A family is a place from where we learn our very first life lessons. Whether a kinship or a guardian family, it influences every small or big aspect of our lives. Our habits, rituals, interactions and the way we perceive the world outside is learned with and from them.

Schools and communities come much later; it’s the family that conditions and shapes us from the very beginning. If we are brought up in a happy and healthy family atmosphere, it is bound to reflect in our interactions and how we ultimately shape up. Children brought up under healthy atmospheres grow up to be the adults who forge healthy and sound relationships.

On the flip side, if one is brought up a dysfunctional family, there will always be struggle involved while trusting and connecting with the outside world. Though the latter indeed is an unfortunate situation, it can be worked upon and set right with the inclusion of an experienced family counsellor at the right time. You can contact Integrative Mindful Based Therapy (IMBT) for the professional family therapists in London

Many families have greatly benefited with the therapy, which has resulted in improved communication amongst the members, faster conflict resolution, and navigating successfully through the hard life transitions. Let us closely examine further the advantages involved with the family therapy.

1.Shift from blame game to the resolution

Once you collectively, as a family, agree upon the fact that there is a rooted problem and involve an expert, it is the beginning of the change. Acknowledging that there is a problem is a big step in itself towards the solution. An experienced therapist helps you shift the focus from the blame game towards the hidden problem. 

2.Revisiting the family dynamics

A therapist can suggest the counter ways to deal with the issues. As a family, the ways of individual interactions might not be very positive, leading to recurrent conflicts. By revisiting the basics and changing the dynamics, a therapist can help you deal with more respect and sensitivity. Thus, paving the way for more deeper and effective interactions.

3.Forging meaningful bonds

An experienced therapist can help you build meaningful relationships with every family member. We cannot deal with all the members in a similar fashion. Also, over time, people change and we need to revisit the ways we deal with them. Old dealing methodology needs to pave way for the new one from time to time in order to form and strengthen a deep relationship.

4.Improving communication

The right way of communication is the key to resolve every life situation. Most of the conflicts arise out of miscommunication. A good therapist can observe and pinpoint immediately where the problem lies.

He/she can suggest a right methodology of communication to every family member,  practising which can effectively resolve 70% of the problem and establish a happy and healthy home atmosphere. 

5.Improving interaction with kids

If children are part of the family, everyone needs to be extra cautious and sensitive in their behaviour and communications. Kids have minds like a sponge. They learn from the elders by watching how they interact and react in different situations.

This not only affects them deeply but shapes their future as well. Involving a therapist in problematic homes with children is a positive step toward damage control.

6.Apply newly learned skills in every alliance forged

The skills acquired during the therapy like better communication, improved listening abilities, compassion, understanding and forging deeper heart to heart bonds can be applied beyond the family too. You will see a gradual and satisfying improvement in your relationship with neighbours, office accomplices, friends or lovers alike. 

If you are looking for a family therapist in London, get in touch with the expert at Call at +44 0203 289 7473 for free initial telephonic consultation. 


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