The Ultimate Guide To Stress Therapist London

 Are you worrying a lot and not getting proper sleep? Are you getting frustrated and agitated very easily? If yes, you are suffering from stress and you need to consult stress Therapist in London in order to get rid of it.

What is stress?
Stress is the pressure which we are not able to cope with . It disrupts the thinking pattern and prevents us from being cool and composed. We get stress when we have to adapt to the environmental changes.

Causes of stress:-
There are a number of reasons for stress. Some of them are as follows:-

  •     Threat and Fear:- Different threats and fear related to social,financial, physical and others can make the person stressful.This stress gets more severe if the person is unable to do deal with the given condition
  •         Uncertainty:- Under the uncertainty condition, people are not able to predict and situation gets out of control leading to stress.
  •     Cognitive dissonance:- When you are not able to meet your commitments and there is wide gap between thinking and doing, it leads to cognitive dissonance which thus leads to stress. 

How Stress therapists help to overcome stress:-
  •     To start with, Stress Therapist will ask about the stress symptoms and how they influence your life.After that, they will work with you and understand the real cause of stress. This will help him to select the most suitable treatment program in order to reduce your stress.
  •     After that, the stress therapist London will work on you with the efficient stress reduction techniques.These techniques will concentrate on how to eliminate the negative thoughts and behaviors which are the  main reasons for the stress.
  •     You will also be taught how to develop the state of mind and body relaxation to deal with the severe stress. The meditation techniques will help you to eliminate the stress.
  •     Finally, Stress therapists will make you understand the factors which have made you vulnerable to your stress and thus you will get the strategies to deal with any type of stress in the coming future.

If you are looking for stress therapist in London, look no other than IMBT.  Here we focus on the cognitive behavior therapy which is the key to stress management. For more detail, please visit the website


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